
Find insightful articles within the world of dermatology and skin care.

Lip Beauty


Chapped lips are common this time of year. Winter's cooler, dryer weather and frequent lip licking are some of the causes that can aggravate this condition. Fortunately, applications of a lip balm several times daily and at bedtime can help significantly. It's also advisable to apply a non-irritating lip balm with SPF 30 before going outdoors. Use products that are fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, and contain one or more of the following ingredients: Castor seed oil, Ceramides, Dimethicone, Hemp seed oil, Mineral oil, Petrolatum, Shea butter, Sun-protective ingredients, such as titanium oxide or zinc oxide, or White petroleum jelly.If your lips are feeling chapped and irritated, it's best to avoid products containing the following ingredients: Camphor, Eucalyptus, Flavoring (cinnamon, citrus, mint, and peppermint flavors can be especially irritating to dry, chapped lips), Fragrance, Lanolin, Menthol, Octinoxate (or oxybenzone), Phenol (or phenyl), Propyl gallate, and Salicylic acid. Avoid picking, biting, and lip licking. As saliva evaporates the lips become drier! A humidifier in your bedroom can be beneficial - especially if you're a mouth breather.If your chapped lips don't improve within a couple of weeks, schedule an appointment with your dermatologist. Persistent chapping can also be caused by allergies, infections, and precancerous sun damage. (Adapted from

Miscellaneous|Tip of the Month


A recent study published in JAMA Dermatology from the Mayo Clinic and the University of Pennsylvania confirmed that sun-protective measures - including wearing sunscreen or long sleeves and staying in the shade - do not decrease bone mineral density or increase the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis. Previous studies found that sunscreen does not impair vitamin D synthesis and has little effect on circulating levels of vitamin D.The current study looked at the sun-protective habits noted above in approximately 3,400 men and women between the ages of 20 and 59 and found no increased risk overall of osteoporotic fractures in the participants. The bottom line: bone health is not adversely affected by sun-protective measures. This is additional reassurance for those who have concerns about not getting adequate vitamin D synthesis while protecting their skin from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays.

Sunscreen|Tip of the Month
acne treatment|acne treatment|acne treatment


Acne vulgaris (acne) is a common skin condition seen primarily in adolescents and young adults. The condition affects hair follicles and their attached oil glands, and is seen primarily on the face, neck, chest, back, and upper arms. Acne is caused by a complex interaction of genetic, hormonal, and bacterial factors that cause skin eruptions comprised of various types of lesions. The role of diet is evolving but it appears that high glycemic (sugar) index diets and possibly low-fat dairy products may be aggravating factors. Certain skin care products and makeup may also play a role. The eruptions range from mild to severe. Without adequate treatment, significant discoloration and scarring commonly occur. Consequently, the psychological and emotional impact can be significant. A recent study of 50 adult women (aged 18 to 40 years) with moderate to severe acne found the participants commonly reported depression, anxiety, and social isolation. Fortunately, there are many options for treating and successfully managing this condition.If you have acne and would like to discuss your condition and treatment options, please schedule an appointment with your dermatologist: 310-626-4631 ext. 227

Acne|Tip of the Month
Seborrheic Keratosis


Genetic hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) can be a very distressing condition, especially for young people. Many men benefit from taking Finasteride 1 mg daily for this condition. This medication was approved by the FDA in 1997. It was known from the original study that a small number of men experience sexual dysfunction that generally clears after stopping the drug. The most recent FDA label notes sexual dysfunction including decreased libido (1.8%) and erectile dysfunction (1.3%), and also mentions depression as a side effect observed during the post-marketing period. In Canada and some European countries, the labeling is stronger - stating decreased libido that may persist after discontinuation of the drug, and mood alterations including depression and suicidal ideation. It appears that the risk of persistent side effects is real but very uncommon and there might be an increased risk in people with certain psychiatric conditions. Unfortunately, there isn't currently a way to predict or identify who's at risk for persistent side effects. The Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation (PFSF) recently filed a citizen's petition with the FDA to take the medication off the market or add stronger warnings to the label. If you're taking Finasteride and have questions about the medication or would like to discuss options for treating hair loss, please schedule an appointment with your dermatologist.

Hair Growth|Men|Tip of the Month


Consuming natural sugar in the form of carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and grains supplies energy to our cells since these foods are digested slowly. These foods reduce our risk of many chronic diseases. Health problems occur, however, when we add too much sugar to our diet. Many studies support a link between a high sugar ‘western diet’ and diabetes, obesity, coronary artery disease, stroke, and cancer. High sugar intake may lead to the development of inflammation.A recent study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology showed that genetically predisposed mice fed a high sugar diet developed psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Changes in gut bacterial composition, specifically, less diversity compared to mice fed a normal diet, were also noted - supporting a potential link between diet and psoriatic inflammation. The mice did not become obese during the short duration of the study, suggesting that the diet impact can occur independent of obesity. When the mice were switched back to a conventional diet, their skin and joint conditions improved, along with increased diversity of their gut bacteria.These findings offer a basis for studies in humans; diet, probiotic therapy, and selective use of antibiotics to optimize gut bacterial composition. The author comments that dietary changes may not replace the need for other psoriasis treatments but shifting to a low sugar diet is likely to make treatment more effective.

Nutrition|Skin Care|Tip of the Month
skin exam

Full Body Skin Exams Twice as Likely to Detect Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States and approximately 5 million people are diagnosed each year. Risk factors include fair complexion, sun exposure over many years, a history of burns, and family history. Many people see their dermatologists for a new or changing skin lesion.A study to be published in the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology this month revealed that a full body skin exam performed at the same appointment is twice as likely to detect skin cancer. More than half of the skin cancers discovered were not in the location the patient was concerned about. This included basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, as well as life threatening melanomas. The authors advise that the best way to detect skin cancer in patients with a suspicious lesion or significant risk for skin cancer is to have a complete skin exam. With the end of summer approaching, this is an opportune time to schedule a complete skin exam with your dermatologist.

Skin Cancer Prevention
PRP Beverly Hills

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments for Hair Growth

Our April tip of the month featured laser hair removal and began with, “Excess hair can cause psychological and emotional stress.” The same can be said for loss of scalp hair for both men and women. There are many products and treatments promoted to grow scalp hair but most lack supporting scientific data. Exceptions include topical minoxidil liquid and foam (Rogaine and others) available over the counter for men and women and oral finasteride (Propecia), by prescription, for men. The efficacy of various oral supplements and low level laser treatments is less well documented.In recent years, many studies have shown that a series of PRP injections can stimulate scalp hair growth in both men and women. The treatments involve collecting a patient’s blood in a sterile test tube. The tube is placed in a centrifuge to separate various components of blood. The component containing PRP is drawn into a syringe and small amounts are injected into scalp areas lacking hair.A cold air cooling devise is held at the sites of injections to minimize discomfort. The entire process takes approximately 30 minutes. A series of 3 monthly treatments followed by treatments every 3 months during the first year then twice yearly to maintain the benefit is recommended. Studies have shown that PRP contains many growth factors that are activated following injection. These growth factors stimulate various mechanisms involved in hair growth. To determine if you’re a good candidate for PRP please schedule a consultation with your dermatologist.

Hair Growth|PRP
Sunscreen application

Sunscreen Tips for Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that when the UV index is high, unprotected fair skin can burn in 10 minutes or less? So, it’s important to cover up whenever possible and pick a broad-spectrum sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Broad spectrum means protection from both UVA and UVB rays, which is critical to prevent sunburn and reduce sun damage.The New York Times and Consumer Reports did an extensive review of sunscreens on the market. The NYT had four testers with different skin types and complexions test seven sunscreens over several weeks. Consumer Reports tested 48 different lotions and sprays. While less convenient, sunscreen lotion typically provides a more even coverage. And, spray sunscreens can easily be lost to the air. There is also a risk of inhaling a spray sunscreen during application, which can cause lung irritation. Mineral sunscreens work by deflecting UV rays, while chemical sunscreens absorb UV rays. While chemical sunscreens may be less likely to wash off, they are depleted as they absorb the rays and especially important to reapply frequently. Mineral sunscreens can be gentler on the skin.While controversial, concerns have been raised regarding the safety of some components of chemical-based sunscreens and their environmental impact. There is agreement amongst most experts that more studies are needed to determine if these chemical components have adverse effects. Use one teaspoon for each uncovered area of your body such as the face, back or neck or neck. If you are wearing a swimsuit, this adds up to roughly a shot glass worth for enough protection.Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially if you are sweating or swimming. Cover up with clothing, a hat, and sunglasses when out in the sun. And, if possible, seek shade or stay indoors between 10am and 4pm, when the sun’s rays are the strongest!

Skin Cancer Prevention|Sunscreen
Laser Hair Removal

Hair Removal Blog

Excess hair can be a source of psychological or emotional stress. While plucking, waxing, shaving, electrolysis, and depilatories can be effective for small areas and short term control of hair growth, they are often impractical for removing hair from large areas. Laser hair removal has been used successfully for several decades to achieve long term reduction of unwanted hair. The devices available today offer a high degree of safety, efficacy, and comfort. All lasers emit lights of different wavelengths and laser hair removal works by emitting light that selectively targets the pigment within hairs. The light energy is converted to heat which is transferred to the hair follicle thereby destroying it. Since pigmented (brown or black) hair is essential as a target for the laser light, individuals with blond, white, grey, and red hair aren’t good candidates for this treatment.While all skin types with appropriately colored hair can be treated, the best candidates are those with lighter skin color. The reason for this is that the skin also becomes a target for the laser light when greater skin pigment is present. Darker skinned individuals must be treated at lower energies requiring more treatments for hair reduction. Regardless of skin type, multiple treatments are required because only a certain percentage of hairs are destroyed during a given treatment. This has to do with the percentage of hairs that are in an active growth phase at the time of treatment.If you’d like to schedule a consultation or learn more about laser hair removal, please call 310-626-4631.

Hair Removal
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What should I do if I have a skin emergency?

If you have a skin emergency, such as a severe allergic reaction, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. For urgent but non-emergency concerns, you can contact our office during business hours.

What insurance plans do you accept?

We accept most major insurance plans. Please contact our office to verify if we accept your specific plan.

What should I bring to my appointment?

Please bring a valid ID, your insurance card, and a list of any medications you are currently taking. If you have any previous medical records relevant to your skin condition, please bring those as well.

Do I need a referral to see a dermatologist?

No, a referral is not necessary. You can book an appointment directly with our dermatologists.

What are your hours of operation?

Our current hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM, and Friday, 8:30 AM to 4 PM. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Please suggest any new hours if needed.

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