
Find insightful articles within the world of dermatology and skin care.

skin treatment

Treating Skin Inflammation and Irritation

Intertrigo is a common skin eruption that occurs in areas where skin rubs against skin, ie, underarms, under the breasts, and the inner thighs/groin. Intertrigo has many different potential causes including:

  • Fungal/yeast infections
  • Bacterial infections
  • Irritation dermatitis
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis

Predisposing factors include heat, moisture, and weight gain. Not surprisingly, a mainstay of treatment is to minimize these factors and treat the underlying cause.The physicians of Dermatology Associates Medical Group have expertise in treating intertrigo and other skin conditions. Learn more about your treatment options by calling 310-626-4631 for a consultation.

skin cancer screening

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, and estimates state that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of their lifetime according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. While melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer, it is also important to monitor for the more common and less serious non-melanoma skin cancers.Basal Cell CarcinomaBasal cell carcinoma is the most common non-melanoma skin cancer. It typically develops in individuals with fair complexion and usually affects sun exposed areas, most commonly the face. Basal cell carcinomas often look like a pimple or a small crusted bump that bleeds and/or fails to heal. These lesions can cause significant destruction of the affected area and should be removed promptly. Squamous Cell CarcinomaSquamous cell carcinoma is the second most common non-melanoma form of skin cancer. Like basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas typically develop in individuals with fair complexion and usually affect sun exposed areas. They can appear suddenly and grow rapidly and are more common in elderly individuals. Squamous cell carcinomas are usually crusted thick bumps and may be tender and/or painful. In addition to causing destruction of the affected area, squamous cell carcinomas have the potential to metastasize and should be treated promptly.Protecting Yourself Against Skin Cancer

  • Avoid tanning and UV tanning beds.
  • Use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher every day and SPF 30 or higher for prolonged outdoor activities.
  • Avoid direct sunlight for long periods, particularly between the hours of 10 am and 4 PM.
  • Examine your skin monthly for growths, discoloration, or other changes in appearance.
  • Schedule a professional skin exam once a year.

If you are concerned about a growth or discoloration on your skin, have it evaluated by one of the qualified dermatologists at Dermatology Associates Medical Group. Please call 310-274-9954 to schedule a consultation.

Skin Cancer Prevention
Women Sun Protection

Are You Increasing Your Risk of Age Spots?

Solar lentigines, also known as age spots, sun spots, or liver spots (because of their brown color), become more visible with age and often appear as dark brown spots on the face and hands. They occur on areas of the skin most commonly exposed to the sun. Prevention and treatment can lead to both healthier and better-looking skin.Prevention of Age Spots

  • Use adequate sun protection. Always wear a sunscreen with UVA and UVB broad spectrum protection and an SPF of at least 30. Sunscreen should be worn year-round and applied 15 – 30 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply once every two hours, or more often if you are sweating a lot or swimming.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure. Avoid long periods outdoors when the sun’s rays are the strongest – typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Wear protective clothing. UV-blocking clothes are an excellent choice for prolonged exposure. For other outdoor activities, choose clothing that covers your arms and legs along with a large hat and sunglasses.

Treatment of Age SpotsSeveral treatment options are available for solar lentigines. Prescription bleaching creams can lighten the appearance of spots. Intense Pulsed Light Photorejuvenation treatments are beneficial. Laser therapy is commonly used for more intense age spots to help diminish their visibility and leave the skin looking healthier.If you have health concerns about dark spots or dislike their appearance, have your age spots evaluated by one of the qualified dermatologists at the Dermatology Associates Medical Group. Learn more about your treatment options by calling 310-626-4631 for a consultation.

hair loss women

Hair Loss in Women: Why am I Losing Hair?

There are many causes of hair loss, or alopecia. It is important to determine the underlying cause in order to correct the problem.Less VolumeIt's common for women, starting in their 50s, to notice a decrease in scalp hair volume. This is often accompanied by the increased visibility of the front of the scalp with the preservation of the frontal hairline. Often there is a history of hair loss in other family members. This condition is known as female pattern androgenetic alopecia and can be treated with topical medication.Abnormal SheddingHair grows in 3 distinct cycles:

  • Growing (Anagen)
  • Resting (Telogen)
  • Intermediate (Catagen)

Approximately 87% of scalp hairs are growing, 10% are resting and ready to be shed, and 3% are intermediate. Generally, between 50-100 hairs are shed daily with greater shedding occurring when the hair is washed. If the hair cycle is altered with more hairs going into a resting state, increase shedding occurs. There are multiple potential causes of telogen effluvium hair loss including hormonal changes, illness, surgery, weight loss, and medications/supplements. Fortunately, this type of loss generally resolves spontaneously after the underlying cause is corrected.Scalp Conditions and External FactorsHair loss can also occur due to inflammatory conditions that affect the scalp such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema. Infections with bacteria and fungi can also cause hair loss. Many hair treatments such as straighteners, perms, bleaching agents, excessive hair drying, etc can potentially damage hair causing breakage leading to hair loss.The physicians of Dermatology Associates Medical Group have expertise in evaluating and treating hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss, please call us for a consultation.

Hair Growth
Anti Aging Cream

What's the Best Anti-Aging Cream?

No wonder this is one of the most common questions we receive. It's difficult and confusing to choose from the multitude of creams and potions with purported anti-aging benefits.Many over the counter creams contain ingredients, such as, peptides, growth factors, vitamins, hydroxy acids, hyaluronic acid, etc, which have anti-oxidant and/or anti-aging properties. Some products have limited clinical data showing they improve the appearance of the skin. The active ingredients in these creams are not classified as drugs or regulated by the FDA and do not change the structure or the function of the skin. In other words, their benefits are limited. In addition, there aren't comparison studies to rate these creams so ultimately it's trial and error. Also, there is no correlation between price and effectiveness.Ok, so what's the answer? The best anti-aging cream is a broad spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 rating applied daily. The second best anti-aging cream is a prescription strength retinoid such as, tretinoin (e.g., Retin A, Renova) or tazarotene (Tazorac) applied nightly or every other night. The caveat is that these products make your skin more sensitive in general and to waxing in particular. A less potent alternative is an over the counter cream containing retinol. Sunscreen use is critical due to increased sun sensitivity from topical application of retinoids. Finally, retinoids should not be used during pregnancy or nursing.If you have questions about your home skin care regimen, schedule an appointment with one of our physicians.

Aging|Skin Care|Sunscreen
chapped lips

Tips for Help with Perleche and Chapped Lips

Perleche, aka, angular cheilitis, is a common irritating eruption of the corners of the mouth. It is more common in the elderly, especially those who wear dentures although it also seen in children. Perleche is caused by an infection involving fungi and/or bacteria. Potential predisposing factors: include nutritional deficiencies, dry mouth, a lip-licking habit, drooling, immunosuppression, and others. Treatment is based on the exact cause(s) of the condition, but often an antifungal cream such as clotrimazole is combined with a topical steroid like hydrocortisone.Chapped lips are commonly seen during the winter months due to decreased ambient humidity. Many people lick their lips in an attempt to soothe them. This aggravates the problem due to evaporation of saliva leading to further dryness. Treatment involves frequent, liberal application of lip balms, especially those with petrolatum. Topical steroids, such as, hydrocortisone ointment, are beneficial for short periods to reduce burning and stinging. Finally,stop licking!

December slopes

3 Great Tips for the Slopes

Ski Skin Care Tip #1: Don't Forget the Sunblock. The manifestations of UV skin damage include dark age spots, the early appearance of wrinkles, and skin cancer. Be sure to wear proper protective clothing and hats and apply a broad spectrum, water resistant, sunscreen with UVA/UVB protection with a minimum SPF 30 value. If you're going to be on the slopes all day, reapply the sunscreen to exposed areas every few hours and apply a lip balm with SPF 30 as well. Remember, when you're on the slopes, you're getting extra sun exposure from the direct and reflected rays of the sun.Ski Skin Care Tip #2: Don't Forget Your Lips. Lips are especially sensitive to drying and sun damage. Frequently apply a lip balm with SPF 30 protection.Ski Skin Care Tip #3: Gently Cleanse and Moisturize to Undo Environmental Damage. Hot showers and low humidity play havoc on your skin; causing chapping, redness, and dry patches. Use a fragrance free cleanser gentle cleanser and moisturize immediately after your shower or bath with a cream or oil.

Miscellaneous|Skin Care|Sunscreen
Hand Washing

Helpful Hints for Brittle Nails

Onychoschizia, horizontal splits within the nail plate edge, is a common problem especially during fall and winter. Nail splitting is often seen together with onychorrhexis, longitudinal, splitting or ridging of the nail plate. Together, these conditions are called "brittle nail syndrome."Frequent wetting and drying are the most common causes of nail splitting, making this condition common among health care professionals, hairdressers, and house cleaners. Nail cosmetics (hardeners, polish removers/solvents), nail procedures, occupational exposure to various chemicals and injury (trauma) may play a role in the development of brittle nails. Brittle nails can also be caused by medical problems such as gland (endocrine system) diseases, tuberculosis, Sjögren syndrome, and malnutrition.Other skin diseases, including lichen planus and psoriasis, as well certain medications made from high dose vitamin A, may cause nail splitting.Treatment for brittle nail syndrome:

  • Reduce how often you wet and dry your nails.
  • Never use your nails as tools.
  • Wear cotton lined rubber gloves or plastic or rubber gloves over thin cotton gloves while doing all housework, including food preparation.
  • Keep the nails trimmed short to reduce worsening of nail splitting. File in a rounded fashion and avoid filing to a point.
  • Apply moisturizers, such as Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Cutemol® to cuticles, nails and surrounding skin, immediately after water exposure.
  • Nail polishes can protect nails. Use a base coat and a top coat so the manicure will last longer.
  • Avoid acrylic, paint on, glue on, or porcelain nails, especially if your nails are thin and fragile.
  • Oral supplements of biotin 2.5 mg daily have been shown to be effective.

The physicians at Dermatology Associates Medical Group have expertise in treating conditions of the skin, hair, and nails.

Autumn Skin

Avoiding Autumn Eczema

Autumn has arrived and the mercury is falling. A common, annoying, itchy condition seen with increased incidence in cooler, dryer weather is asteatotic or dry skin eczema. It is particularly common in the elderly and often most pronounced on the extremities, especially the shins. Fortunately, simple measures are available to treat this condition.We agree with the following recommendations adapted from

  • Take short baths with decreased water temperature.
  • Eliminate or reduce the use of soap on the involved areas.
  • Avoid harsh skin cleansers.
  • Apply petrolatum-based emollients following bathing, and use moisturizing agents liberally.
  • Topical steroid creams or ointments can be used for short periods. Note that steroids can thin the skin and lower the threshold for further insults that lead to dermatitis, especially in elderly patients. Topical steroids (except for mild OTC hydrocortisone) requires a prescription from your physician.
  • Use humidifiers.
Miscellaneous|Skin Care
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You deserve the best skin care possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I have a skin emergency?

If you have a skin emergency, such as a severe allergic reaction, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. For urgent but non-emergency concerns, you can contact our office during business hours.

What insurance plans do you accept?

We accept most major insurance plans. Please contact our office to verify if we accept your specific plan.

What should I bring to my appointment?

Please bring a valid ID, your insurance card, and a list of any medications you are currently taking. If you have any previous medical records relevant to your skin condition, please bring those as well.

Do I need a referral to see a dermatologist?

No, a referral is not necessary. You can book an appointment directly with our dermatologists.

What are your hours of operation?

Our current hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM, and Friday, 8:30 AM to 4 PM. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Please suggest any new hours if needed.

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